Proper Puppet Storage
Shabby Puppets Reflect Shabby Performers It is so important to remember that your puppets are investments. How they look reflects on how...

Edgar Bergen
The Man Edgar Bergen, actually born Edgar John Berrgren, was born in Chicago a first generation Swedish American to Swedish immigrants on...

Oobi Eyes, a.k.a Eye Ring Puppets
Best Puppet Ever! In the August 2012 edition of the Pentecostal Evangel, I wrote a two page article on my experience and use of finger...

Improv for Puppets
As a performer, even with puppets, you are going to find yourself having to perform off the cuff at times. The ability to perform at the...

Shadow Puppets
What lurks in the Shadows… One of the most ancient forms of puppetry recorded is that of the shadow puppets. It is also one of the more...

Green Screen your Puppet Videos
Give Us Some Background I highly suggest that if you are looking at being professional that you need to brand yourself and the best way...

Vietnamese Water Puppets
Not Just for Stages Vietnamese water puppetry's stage (Photo: hanoicitybreaks) Water puppetry is one of major styles of Vietnamese...

Why is Puppetry Dying?
Is Puppetry a Dying Art? Puppetry is still alive and well (sorry if the title sounds a little click baity). Puppetry is one of those art...

Video Transitions
Create the Professional Sometimes the first impression that you will give to prospective event planners, financial supporters and...

Wayang Puppetry
Shadow Puppets on Steroids Wayang (or Wajang) is an Indonesian word “bayang” which means shadow. Wayang kulit, or shadow puppetry, is...