Pinterest for Puppets
Can You Use Pinterest to Get Your Name Out There? In short, HECK YEAH! Pinterest is a great way to get your ministry, non-profit, for...

First Impressions: Logo Design
Represent! Why am I writing a post on logo design when the topic of this blog is puppetry? A logo is the most predominant and most...

Puppets in Ministry
Puppets on The Mission Field We have discussed puppets in the classroom and puppets in medical care facilities, but I would be highly...

The Emergency Kit
The Kit “Hope for the best, plan for the worst.” In a perfect world, nothing ever goes wrong, the mics never go dead mid performance, the...

Top 5 Must Haves In Your Team
These are the things that will make you exude professionalism to the people in charge of the venue you will be performing at as well as...

Perform Like A Professional
The Performance So, now it’s performance time and you have everything organized and under control. Yes? No? Well, I hope this blog post...

Don't Just Stand There
Gestures Less than 20 percent of communication is done with words. Body language plays an important role in how we naturally communicate....

Advanced Puppetry
You Thought You Learned It All? You are probably asking why this is popping up now and why I didn’t add it to the earlier post on...

Creating a Puppet Team
"One of the benefits of puppetry is that a shy person can perform to the utmost of their ability..."

Starting Your Team
Now that we have discussed all of the basics and got those out of the way, there is a chance that some of you are wanting to move to the...