Manual Blinking Eyes
Cheap Manual Mechanism This post is going to be short, but thought I would show an inexpensive way to add functionality to a puppet that...

Having a Blog
Why should my team write a blog Blogs represent authority. Its overall power comes from the evergreen interactive nature of the posts....

Video Transitions
Create the Professional Sometimes the first impression that you will give to prospective event planners, financial supporters and...

Puppet Aerobics
Get Off Your Duff! OK, it is impossible to ‘learn’ puppetry and not practice. It’s not like riding a bike; it will not just “come back to...

Paul Winchell
Ventriloquist Intelligentsia Paul Winchell was one of the first entertainers that I connected with at young age. Born Paul Wilchinsky on...

2019: The 1% Rule
The Power of small Habits Whether you are just starting your puppet venture or if you are a seasoned veteran looking to hone your skills,...