Video Your Performance
Video Using Your Phone If you have ever been in a videography class or even watched video training on Youtube then you’ve probably heard...

Technically it’s technical
You will find that the way your lighting and sound are set up can sometimes make or break a performance. Here are some tips that will get...

Perform Like A Professional
The Performance So, now it’s performance time and you have everything organized and under control. Yes? No? Well, I hope this blog post...

Character Development
Make It Original, Make It Yours Developing Set puppet characters can be a fun way to get and keep team members involved. For them to know...

Don't Just Stand There
Gestures Less than 20 percent of communication is done with words. Body language plays an important role in how we naturally communicate....

Advanced Puppetry
You Thought You Learned It All? You are probably asking why this is popping up now and why I didn’t add it to the earlier post on...

Keeping it on track
Now that you have the basics of your team on paper and you have your team in place, we need to discuss a few things that will make or...

Do They Believe?
Believable Actions and Interactions Again, I stress, if it is intentional and fits into the script as a viable action, then it is not...

How High?
Keeping Steady Keeping your puppet at a steady height while on stage is important to the believability that the puppet is real and there...

Comings & Goings
Getting On Stage The second most important basic to get under your belt in order to look professional and create that suspension of...