Conversion Puppets
What are conversion puppets. Conversion puppets are puppets that are generally converted from stuffed animals. Sometimes the quality is...

Do They Believe?
Believable Actions and Interactions Again, I stress, if it is intentional and fits into the script as a viable action, then it is not...

Hey Look!
Eye Contact Eye contact is one of those subjective things because it all depends on what the puppets are doing and, like with the...

How High?
Keeping Steady Keeping your puppet at a steady height while on stage is important to the believability that the puppet is real and there...

Comings & Goings
Getting On Stage The second most important basic to get under your belt in order to look professional and create that suspension of...

Getting into the fundamentals
The Fundamentals of Puppetry The goal of any puppeteer is to make the puppet look as natural as possible so that the message can be...

Puppets: Historians, Teachers, Educators & More
A Quick History Lesson You will find that the general definition of a puppet is that of: “An inanimate object being manipulated in order...

So, Why Puppets?
“If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others...” -Tryon Edwards So Why Puppets? Puppets are magical for everyone, every...